Graffham Global
Empowering Excellence in Learning and Development
Supporting Schools & Colleges Worldwide
Pioneering Artificial Intelligence
in Safeguarding and Education
Research Tech - AI Agents
Welcome to Graffham Global, where we specialise in elevating safeguarding standards in schools worldwide. Our tailored training programs range from whole-school awareness to Designated Safeguarding Lead Level 3 courses, ensuring all staff are equipped to protect children effectively. We are at the forefront of integrating AI in Safeguarding and Education, striving to create safer educational environments where the well-being of every child is prioritised. Join us in making a transformative impact.

'The AI-Powered Classroom: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence
Authored by Andy Douglas and available on - Experience the power of AI in your classroom, even if you've never ventured beyond basic tech tools before!
Do you ever wonder how to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into your teaching to enhance student learning and engagement? Are you overwhelmed by the complexity of AI and unsure about where to begin? Do you worry about balancing the ethical use of AI with the immense potential it holds for personalized learning
Essential reading for teachersCity of London School for Girls
"All knowledge was up to date and very informative, I have gained a better understanding of Safeguarding & Child Protection."
Safeguarding 1, 2 & DSL Level 3 (Jane R)
Haberdashers' Girls' School
"Excellent - My knowledge was refreshed, lots of practicle information which I found very useful. The trainer was very approachable and knew her stuff."
Safeguarding DSL Level 3 (Sue A)
Forest Prep School
"I learnt how to lead situations instead of passing them on to someone else. Louise was very engaging and informative. Really excellent."
Safeguarding DSL Level 3 (Gab D)
Short Online Courses - Learn in your own time

Safeguarding Awareness Course
(Online Level 1)
For those who 'come into contact' with children in their place of work
£50 +VAT
£45 +VAT (With code ONLINE10)

Safeguarding Advanced Course
(Online Level 2)
For those who 'work with' children in their place of work
£60 +VAT
£54 +VAT (With code ONLINE10)

DSL3 for Designated Safeguarding Leads Course (Online DSL Level 3)
For Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputy DSLs
£160 +VAT
£144 +VAT (With code ONLINE10)

Prevent Awareness Course (Online)
Awareness training for radicalisation within schools
£60 +VAT
£54 +VAT (With code ONLINE10)

Safer Recruitment for Schools and Colleges Course (Online)
Essential guidance for those involved in School recruitment
£95 +VAT
£85.50 +VAT (With code ONLINE10)

Online Safeguarding Responsibilities for Independent School Governors
Safeguarding guidance, know your responsibilities as a school governor
£95 +VAT
£85.50 +VAT (With code ONLINE10)
Risk Assessment Training
"I would recommend this course to other team members - Louise was an excellent trainer, look forward to seeing her again - This course was useful for those designing programmes and activities, empowering them to upskill in their risk assessment abilities" (Nat H)
Access to online courses
One year access to the courses
from date of purchase.
Courses are internet based,
so you can log in and take them
Courses developed by senior Safeguarding trainer
Louise Douglas
BA (Hons), MA, Chartered FCIPD, MCIPR
Director, Graffham Consulting Ltd
Bancroft's School
"The modules were excellent and Louise exceeded my expectations on the day in how she presented the training. I can't recommend Graffham enough."
Safeguarding DSL Level 3 inset (Lisa L)
Bishop's Stortford College
"All sessions were excellent and the trainer was so good, personable, informative, helpful & engaging. I have learnt so much from the course, thank you."
Safeguarding DSL Level 3 (Jane D)
Woodlands School
"The trainer was brilliant! The sessions were excellent, extremely useful & informative: my knowledge has been refreshed. Extremely pleased with the whole course."
Safeguarding DSL Level 3 (Jan C)
Blog: Stay ahead of AI and Safeguarding
The Abbey School
"I was taught how to deal with any Safeguarding issues and the appropriate actions to take. I found the whole course to be excellent."
Safeguarding Level 1 (JD)
Whitefield Primary School
"My knowledge of current legislations is now up to date. I now have a much deeper understanding of Safeguarding legislation. The trainer was amazing."
Safeguarding DSL Level 3 (Jamie P)
Saint Nicholas School
A very detailed & interesting course which covered all aspects of the DSL role in great detail. I now feel well prepared for the role. I would highly recommend this to other school leaders.
Online DSL Level 3 (Jane R)
Safeguarding Courses via Zoom
Private and live, for one person or small groups, with our senior Safeguarding trainer,
Louise Douglas
BA (Hons), MA, Chartered FCIPD, MCIPR
For group training, online, Zoom or face-to-face,
please email [email protected]
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Haberdashers' Aske's School
"All sessions were excellent, useful and met my expectations. I learnt about recent legislation, case studies, and gained a more informed view, it built on my current knowledge. The course was value for money and I really enjoyed it."
Safeguarding DSL Level 3 Course (Rach T)
Westminster Abbey Choir School
"I learnt more about the legal framework and tools to enable me to be better placed to support in terms of Safeguarding. The sessions were all excellent."
Safeguarding DSL Level 3 (Jon M)
Tottenham Hotspur F.C. Foundation
"I would recommend this course to other team members - Louise was an excellent trainer, look forward to seeing her again - This course was useful for those designing programmes and activities, empowering them to upskill in their risk assessment abilities"
Risk Assessment Training (Nat H)
Disclaimer: Whilst we endeavour to ensure that the information contained in this Graffham Consulting Ltd webpage, article, Chatbot or Safeguarding Tool is accurate, the material is of a general nature and not intended to be a substitute for specialist advice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the content of the webpage, article, Chatbot, Safeguarding Tool or learning points will be suitable to your circumstances or adequate to meet your particular requirements. Accordingly, we will not be liable for any losses or damages that may arise from the use of learning points from this webpage, article, Chatbot, Safeguarding Tool or associated material.